October 29, 2024 – Lori Hope Wind, 54, Summerville, South Carolina – Black on White – Stranger/motive unknown
Perp opened fire on a couple walking their dog on an suburban walking/biking trail. Fired 3-4 shots hitting both. The other victim lived. Fled the scene was was identified by a “confidential source.”
Now claims he “thought he heard a deer.” Immediately bonded out and only facing involuntary manslaughter that it was an “accident” while illegally hunting in a residential area. Has social media accounts full of pictures of himself doing what looks like gang signs. Wears a t-shirt that says “Still Free Thug.”
Note: Suspects are not legally considered guilty until guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.
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Sarah Alden, White. Murdered by Anthony Francisco Jones, black. Random black on white sexual assault and beating. Venice California.
Fantastic work! Thank you for the endless efforts and contributions. DDD