Interracial Homicide Project hits 500 confirmed Black on White killings in 2024

Interracial Homicide Tracking Project

Note: We now have a sample size of over 3,000 confirmed interracial homicides since January 1st, 2023.

Our Interracial Homicide tracking project has hit a grim new milestone for 2024. We have now found 500 confirmed Black on White killings.

All told, we have 1,352 confirmed interracial homicides for the year.

Much like 2023, we find that Blacks commit a large majority of all interracial homicides in the USA, despite only making up about 14% of the US population. However, for 2024, we did find a lower Black percentage and a higher Latino percentage. This could be fueled by the open border policies of the Biden administration that allowed foreign countries like Venezuela and El Salvador to export criminals to the USA.

For our 2023 research, 62.3% of suspects were Black, and 20.8% were Latino. For 2024, this changed to 57.6% Black and 23.6% Latino. The White percentage of suspects only changed slightly, going from 11.8% to 12.7%.

Whites are wildly underrepresented when it comes to the perpetration of interracial homicides. However, they are the ones most wildly hyped by the media.

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