Update: Youtube reversed the ban on Right-Wing Watch after left-wing media intervened on their behalf.
Right-Wing Watch [RWW], a far-left censorship advocacy group, has been banned from Youtube. Critics of RWW say the group violated Youtube’s Terms of Services for years. They are accused of using their Youtube Channel to “dox” people, wage harassment campaigns, commit libel, and broadcast copyrighted materials without permission.
Youtube says RWW engaged in “severe and repeated violations” of the terms of service.
RWW is run by People for the American Way, a DC-based non-profit that takes in four to seven million dollars per year and spends over two million per year on salaries and wages. The group uses the mission statement “CONDUCTS RESEARCH, LEGAL AND EDUCATION WORK ON BEHALF OF FIRST AMENDMENT FREEDOMS AND DEMOCRATIC VALUES” on its 990 forms with the IRS.
RWW is run by Jared Holt, who goes by the title “senior researcher.”
Gavin McInnis recently confronted Jared Holt in public: