
Syrian illegal aliens celebrate HTS victory across Europe
Thousands of illegal immigrants from Syria parade through downtown Essen, Germany during Christmas Market to celebrate the take-over of Syria by HTS. They chant, “Allahu Akbar!” Illegal aliens from Syria are the largest foreign […]

Martin Sellner holds German speaking tour on a rental bus
A new tactic against state repression in Europe. Activist Martin Sellner conducted a speaking tour using a rental bus as the venue. Martin Sellner also spoke, via live video, at the 2024 American Renaissance Conference.

Illegal aliens in Germany receiving big money to house other illegal aliens
The Vienna-based media outlet Exxpress has blown the lid off a new scam against the German tax-payers. One Syrian migrant identified in records as “Osama H.” is living in North Rhine Westfalen and is poised […]

Political oppression intensifies in Germany
Three German activists have been sentenced to six months in prison each, for using the word Remigration on a banner. The judge unilaterally declared that the word is illegal hate speech when certain people use […]

40 German MPs call for suspension of Democracy
From Renaissance Horizon: Forty members, or 5.5%, of the German Parliament have signed a bill to suspend democracy and ban the AfD. It would be the first time Germany has banned a major political party […]

Germany claims it is stopping illegal immigrants at the border now
Due to public outrage over illegal alien crime, the German government has enacted border controls for six months. The six-month period is the maximum time allowed under EU rules; however, it can be renewed every […]

AfD viral trend explodes on Tik Tok
Huge numbers of German youth are rejecting the demonization of Germany’s conservative opposition party, Alternative fur Deutschland [AfD]. In the recent two state elections, the AfD got 38% of Thuringia’s 18-24 vote and 31% of […]

Conservative opposition makes huge breakthrough in Germany
A major newspaper in Thuringia called for cooperation with the AfD, saying “the firewall against the AfD must fall.” The newspaper’s opinion piece says isolation will only make the party even bigger. It says the […]