Analyzing the seven metro Chicago Walmarts closing down

Two were previously shut down because of BLM rioting

Walmart is shutting down a Supercenter and three smaller Neighborhood Markets in Chicago. They previously closed two Supercenters and a Walmart Pickup in Chicago suburbs last February.

City of Chicago Locations:

#3166 Kenwood Neighborhood Market, 4720 S. Cottage Grove Ave.

This location location is near the notorious Washington Park. This locations is at the intersection of four census tracts that are all 90% Black or higher. This Walmart already closed down once for an extended period of time because the BLM rioting. A nearby Target also recently shut down. Blacks leaders campaigned to convince Walmart to re-open this location in late 2020.

#5781 Chatham Supercenter, the Walmart Health center, and the Walmart Academy, 8431 S. Stewart Ave.

The Chathma location is surrounded by census tracts that are 97% or more Black. This Walmart already closed down once for an extended period of time because the BLM rioting. A nearby Target also recently shut down. Blacks leaders campaigned to convince Walmart to re-open this location in late 2020.

#5646 Little Village Neighborhood Market, 2551 W. Cermak Road

Little Village is well known overwhelmingly Hispanic area. The Walmart is walking distance from an extremely large, 11k+ person 67% Black census tract. However, this census tract appears to almost solely represent a massive sprawling prison complex.

This location is next door to two other grocery stores. The Walmart Market, a Pete’s Market, and a Fairplay Market are all located in a triangle right next to each other.

#5645 Lakeview Neighborhood Market, 2844 N. Broadway St.

The Lakeview location is in a trendy majority White area with few Blacks. This is a very small Walmart Market that is in an area packed with trendy shops.

Suburban Locations:

Lincolnwood Pickup, 6840 North McCormick

This is a White and Asian area. The Walmart Pickup is a small location supplementing a nearby Walmart Supercenter. This was opened in 2019 as one of the first ever Walmart locations exclusively for pickup and delivery.

Homewood Supercenter, 17550 South Halsted Street

This is a transitional area that is half Black and half White.

Plainfield Supercenter, 12690 South Route 59

This area is about 70% White and 30% Black, Hispanic, and Asian.

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