A list of 234 interracial homicides occurring in 2023 so far

We are creating the largest sample size ever

National Conservative is attempting to create the largest sample size of interracial homicides ever created. The purpose is to create the most complete and comprehensive picture of what interracial homicide looks like in the USA.

Click here to see all the data.

You can support this project by sending us ones we have not listed yet. Please only send homicides from 2023.

Total: 234

Black-on-White: 140 (59.8%)
Black-on-Latino: 22 (9.4%)
Black-on-Asian: 10 (4.3%)

Latino-on-White: 17 (7.3%)
Latino-on-Black: 11 (4.7%)
Latino-on-Asian: 1 (0.4%)

White-on-Black: 17 (7.3%)
White-on-Latino: 2 (0.9%)
White-on-Asian: 2 (0.9%)

Asian-on-Latino: 3 (1.3%)
Asian-on-White: 2 (0.9%)
Asian-on-Black: 1 (0.4%)

American Indian-on-White: 5 (2.1%)
Middle-Eastern-on-White: 2 (0.9%)

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